Understanding Individual Unemployability

For over 30 years, the Law Offices of Psetas, Moore and Tetlow have represented thousands of clients. We have the experience in dealing with government claims. Throughout the years we have helped Veterans obtain the highest possible disability ratings.

Service Connected - Unable to Work

Many Americans join the military, serve overseas, start adult lives and have plans for future careers. Unfortunately, many leave the military with plans that have been drastically changed. Serious injuries, war related or not, prevent many service members from pursuing their career dreams or even employment at all. Approximately 570,000 Veterans are unemployed.

Special qualifications are in place for Individual Unemployability (IU). CAll for an appointment to discuss which of the special circumstances apply to you.

How much compensation may you receive for IU disability?

  • The amount is the same as any 100% veterans disability rating.
  • The current monthly compensation for a 100% disability is over $2,700 per month..
  • There may be extra compensation awarded for veterans with dependents and parents.

Talk to one of our attorneys for a

You may be entitled to additional benefits. ACT NOW to protect your rights.

Why Hire A Veterans Disability Lawyer

The Application and Appeals process for VA Disability Benefits can be long and frustrating. As your attorney, we will assist and protect you in navigating through the vast number of forms, rules and regulations. Putting your trust in our team of attorneys and staff will navigate the system, avoid any unnecessary delays due to inappropriate filings, and assist in gathering evidence.

It is a significant advantage to you to be represented by an attorney because VA laws and regulations are complex, often difficult to understand, and subject to frequent change.

Hire the Veterans Disability Claim Appeal Lawyers at Psetas, Moore & Tetlow

The Veterans Disability lawyers at Psetas, Moore and Tetlow have successfully represented injured clients and their families with their government claims for over 30 years. We have the knowledge, experience and resources to assist you with the many rules, regulations, forms, substantiating documents, and deadlines that the VA uses to determine your eligibility for veterans disability benefits,

Contact Psetas, Moore and Tetlow to schedule your appointment for a free consultation and evaluation of your case.