Spinal injury and back pain are quite often treated successfully through physical therapy and medication. In more severe cases, surgery is deemed necessary. Unfortunately, many Veterans with spinal injuries and chronic back pain will face long-term impairment.

The VA recognizes that back pain may be caused by spinal stenosis, herniated discs, slipped discs, ruptured discs, compressed discs, or bulging discs in the spine, which occur during military service. It also recognizes that chronic back pain may interfere with a Veteran’s ability to work or to function normally on a day-to-day basis.

The VA has established guidelines for benefit eligibility for chronic spinal injury and back pain. These guidelines allow the VA to determine if a qualifying disability has occurred and to quantify the benefit that can be paid. It is the responsibility of the injured Veteran to provide proof of the injury and proof that the injury was the direct result of an injury or current event that took place while on active military duty.

Sometimes a Veteran may suffer from a Secondary Condition to the spinal injury or back pain. Secondary Conditions which can be related to an already-existing service-connected condition may be eligible for compensation.

Talk to one of our attorneys for a

You may be entitled to additional benefits. ACT NOW to protect your rights.

Psetas, Moore & Tetlow, PA, has experience in Veterans Disability Law. Our lawyers are dedicated to assisting our clients achieve a successful resolution of their cases. We work closely with physicians, psychologists, case workers and support staff to establish with the VA that our clients’ physical impairments are service-connected and to ensure that they receive the full compensation and benefits to which they may be entitled to. Call us for your free consultation.


National Center for Health Statistics, National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), Adult sample